80w/125w MBF Lantern. Likely
to date from
the late 1950's, this diminutive but delightful little top-entry
lantern is one of a family of similar looking GEC GLS/MBF lanterns that
fall under the Z5560 category of lanterns. The lanterns
in this group all share the same wide-necked GEC cast-aluminium
canopy, but come with a wide variety bowl types.
lantern in the collection is a Z5560SB (SB = shallow
bowl) and came from somewhere in South
Staffordshire in 2006 and was rescued after falling
victim to the PFI lighting renewal scheme for the
County. The fitting is complete and in reasonable
condition, but is particularly nice because it retains
its original GEC prismatic glass bowl. The only non-original feature is the mini-photocell that has been
retro-fitted to the canopy, but this will be removed
and the hole filled during the renovation of the lantern.

lantern came attached to its concrete bracket from which
it will have to be removed. As can be seen, the lantern's
external appearance is good and it appears to be complete.

with most GEC products of the period, the GEC
name is cast into the aluminium canopy and proudly states
beneath it "Made in England". The mini-photocell
sticking out of the side of the lantern will be removed
and the hole filled to bring the lantern back to its
original state.

the glass bowl opened; we can see the vitrus enamelled
reflector plate that has sadly corroded. However, a
pristine replacement has been found and this will be
used to restore the lantern. Because the lantern uses a prismatic glass bowl
there is no prismatic glass refractor ring fitted to
the lantern - but GEC still provided the
refractor ring spring-clips with the enamelled reflector plate!